Extend  our Windows 7 beta...forever?
Okay I admit it - I fricken love Windows 7. I've become so used to it now that going back to XP is simply not enjoyable any more.So I wonder if there's any way at all that Microsoft lets us purchase or otherwise extend the current beta install we have.I just don't want it to expire in August. Getting too involved now and actually been using it as my main OS more and more so giving that up come August would really suck.Microsoft peeps...any chance this can be done?
January 31st, 2009 1:03pm

Hi Donuthero, As you guess the current BETA cannot be purchased, but I am sure that MSFT is going to need some more beta tests before W7 goes live, even not try VISTA its similar to W7 , Thank you for the good feedback regards Erdal
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January 31st, 2009 4:08pm

Apart from the odd Luddite, I haven't met anyone who dislikes Win7.Well done Microsoft. However, for the umpteenth time can we have our Edit > Invert Selection back?
January 31st, 2009 4:54pm

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